Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a hormone that periodically changes in content with a woman's menstrual cycle, and its function is to stimulate the release of mature eggs in the ovary. When its peak occurs, LH is abundant in women's blood and urine, so detecting LH content in urine is a reliable indicator for diagnosing whether it is a peak. Urinary LH is based on a concentration of less than 20mIU/ml, and a concentration greater than or equal to 40mIU/ml is a sign of impending LH peak in the urine during this menstrual cycle.
In the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle, LH secretion increases sharply, forming a "LH" peak, which can promote ovulation within 48 hours after the peak. Therefore, women are most likely to conceive within 1-3 days after the "LH" peak, so a luteinizing hormone test strip is used to detect LH
The level in urine samples can predict ovulation time and effectively grasp the optimal timing for conception or contraception.
Positive results
Two red lines appear on the test card, meaning only one red line quality control line (C) and negative result appear on the test card
Detection line (T), surface quality control line (C), indicating non pregnancy indicating pregnancy
Test paper failure
Invalid test paper, no red line on the detection card, or only one red detection line (T) appears, indicating
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